Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see the latest grant application deadline?

The current deadline may be viewed on the homepage of our website found at this link.

What is the Hansen Family Foundation application process?

The application was designed to be as simple as possible for our visitors; Please, follow the link, answer a set of qualifying questions, and complete the grant online submission form.

Do I qualify?
All grant recipients must be a charitable organization that is recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity. All applications from qualified charitable organizations are considered and are evaluated to determine their relative merits to the other applications in the queue for a grant. That evaluation will be based on a number of factors such as whether or not it fits into one or more of our focus areas ( Humanitarian Support with a special focus on disadvantaged children; Education, Arts, and Culture; Environmental Causes; Animal Welfare). Additionally, what percentage of the grant is applied directly to the end user/recipient versus how much goes to overhead is a factor. No HFF grant funds will be awarded to a political party or campaign.

Get Started

The portal for Fall 2024 applications is currently closed.

 Our next meeting is October 26th, 2024.