The Hansen Family Foundation provides opportunities to domestic, international, secular, and non-secular organizations that support the American way of life, which is defined by the principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Specific focus is placed on:
- Humanitarian Support
- Disadvantaged Children
- Education
- Arts and Culture
- Environmental Causes
- Animal Welfare
We want the Foundation to meaningfully impact our family and friends as follows:
- Create a legacy of giving for future generations
- Grow to encourage and create a sense of pride in its actions
- Preserve the family values and represent what the family stands for future generations
- Be a major part of the family’s identity
- Not look for public recognition but the internal satisfaction and pride of knowing that it is helping others in a meaningful way
- Be a way to keep family and close friends together
- Provide an avenue for shared activities and purpose
- Provide a way to more effectively deploy the family resources as philanthropists and also to foster growth of the individual members of the family
- Be a source of knowledge and learning for the extended family
- Be a way of recognizing, giving thanks, and giving back for the good fortune that has been bestowed upon the Hansen family.
Guiding Philosophy
The Foundation believes that it can provide the highest value to the grant recipients where gifts provide a start or a “seed” that can provide a benefit over time. Accordingly, the Foundation will generally give preference to those organizations, individuals, and/or initiatives that will stand the test of time, will inspire others to get involved, and will be a manifestation of our mission.
It is the Foundation’s belief that its philanthropic assets will have the greatest impact on smaller and non-political charitable organizations, so it is likely that most grants will be made to these types of organizations. However, this focus is not exclusive and the Foundation will consider organizations of any size that otherwise meet its mission, guiding principles, and grant-making guidelines. It is intended that end-users get 100% of the charitable contribution with no pass-through of any funds to another organization or person not directly responsible for the use of the money as understood by the Hansen Family Foundation. Additionally, recipient organizations must have at least a 75% giving vs. operating cost ratio to be considered. An organization with a lower ratio requires a 100% BOD-affirming vote to be considered.
There is no geographic limitation of the recipient organization or individual (either where it is located or where the Foundation’s involvement may occur). As a practical matter, however, the Foundation may be better able to include gifts of its time and talents where the charitable recipient is located where Board members live or work.
The Foundation seeks charitable recipients that:
- Share its value and beliefs
- Embrace the Foundation’s commitment and potential involvement
- Want to be accountable and demonstrate results (where the Foundation can cause effective change)
In keeping with the Foundation’s commitment to organizations it supports, gifts will normally be multi-year. One time grants will not be excluded, but these types of grants would not generally demonstrate the level of commitment and partnership that the Foundation seeks to provide to its grantees.
The Foundation will select its charitable recipients with great care and will exercise patience to find the right organizations, individuals, and initiatives that meet the selection criteria of the board. This care will be evidenced by the personal involvement of the board in the nomination, due-diligence, and on-site review process when selecting the recipients. The Foundation will follow sound financial practices that support the long-term missions and annual objectives of the Foundation.
These practices include:
- Have wise investment and spending policies so that the foundation will grow and thereby provide more money for worthy causes
- Be committed to restrained administrative spending to ensure that foundation principal continues to grow
- Grow in resources and gifts (to be able to increase total grant size each year)
- Be able to see that Foundation has achieved leverage with its gifts and that the organizations supported have truly benefited within the scope of their mission statement.
In addition, we expect the Foundation to be actively engaged with, and be committed to, the organizations and individuals it supports. This engagement and commitment may include monetary and/or non-monetary gifts by some or all of the Board members.
Get Started
The portal for Fall 2024 applications is currently closed.
Our next meeting is in October 26th, 2024.